Public broadcasting in Bosnia and Herzegovina faces multiple threats, warns OSCE media freedom representative
SARAJEVO, 9 May 2008 - The future of public broadcasting in Bosnia and Herzegovina is under threat and urgent action is needed, said Miklos Haraszti, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, at a conference in Sarajevo which ended yesterday.
"The reform of the institutional framework of public broadcasting in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in great danger," said Haraszti.
The conference on media freedom was held under the auspices of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Haraszti said that public broadcaster BHT1 was under political and financial attack, the work of the Communications Regulatory Agency was being hindered because the lawfully appointed director had been blocked from taking office, the public broadcasting system law in the Federation had been legally challenged, and there were cases of physical and verbal attacks against journalists.
He also noted the importance for public broadcasters to strive for balance and objectivity in reporting, and refrain from the use of inflammatory language.
Haraszti reiterated his call, made during a visit last year, for establishing a joint newsroom by all three public broadcasters.
"Efforts made by the political establishment, by the international community, and by journalists themselves should be intensified in order to remove the obstacles to further integration of the public broadcasting system," said Haraszti.