Arrest of journalist underscores need for urgent reform of defamation law in Mongolia, Mijatović says

VIENNA, 22 July 2015 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today said that the arrest of Sodnomdarjaa Battulga, a journalist with news website, is disproportionate and excessive, and underscores the need for abolishing criminal defamation in Mongolia.
“Criminal defamation poses a threat to freedom of expression and free flow of information, it often hinders an open debate about matters of public concern,” Mijatović said.
According to reports, Battulga was arrested on 9 July in a criminal defamation procedure, following a complaint filed by a director of a local trading business for allegedly insulting article written by the journalist in June 2013.
“I reiterate my call on the authorities to bring the existing defamation provisions in line with international standards and to immediate release Battulga,” Mijatović said.
The Representative also noted concern voiced on the arrest of Battulga by the Mongolian media community and civil society organizations, including the Globe International Centre and the Confederation of Mongolian Journalists.
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