OSCE Representative condemns attack on journalist in Skopje

VIENNA, 23 May 2015 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today condemned yesterday’s attack on journalist Sase Ivanovski in Skopje.
“This is just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and threats targeting journalists,” Mijatović said. This growing trend of violence against members of the media must be reversed and I call on the authorities to immediately and thoroughly investigate the brutal attack on Ivanovski.”
On the evening of 22 May Ivanovski, owner of the online news portal Maktel, was brutally attacked and beaten by two individuals. He sustained injuries to his head and back, and had to seek medical treatment for his wounds. Ivanovski reported the attack to the police.
In recent weeks, the Representative has raised her concerns with the authorities in Skopje that the violent attacks against journalists are leading to an atmosphere of impunity.