Deteriorating journalist’s safety and rise of propaganda threats to free media, OSCE Representative says

The deteriorating situation for journalists’ safety and the growing phenomenon of propaganda pose serious threats to free media, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović said today when presenting her latest semi-annual report on media freedom developments in the OSCE region over the past six months.
“Across the OSCE region, the media faces challenges on many fronts. The uncontrolled proliferation of propaganda has once again reared its head,” Mijatović said.
Mijatović also noted that the journalists’ safety situation throughout the OSCE region has continued to deteriorate since her last report in July.
“Journalists’ safety remain one of the biggest threats to free media in the OSCE region and real efforts, from all sides, must be made to stop the attacks on journalists that now occur on a daily basis,” she said.
The report to the Permanent Council, including the Representative’s address to the Permanent Council, is available at