Critical media outlets in Kazakhstan stifled by disproportionate sanctions, says OSCE Representative

VIENNA, 22 August 2014 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed disappointment at a Kazakhstan Supreme Court decision upholding the closure of Pravdivaya Gazeta for minor administrative violations.
“Petty offenses such as stating incorrect publication data and other minor irregularities cannot be used to stifle free media,” Mijatović said. “Kazakhstan should end disproportional sanctions for minor administrative violations.”
Pravdivaya Gazeta was shut down by the authorities in early 2014 for publishing an incorrect press run and incorrect date of issuance. Authorities suspended publication of the paper twice in 2013 for similar offences.
The court’s decision effectively makes the newspaper the latest in Kazakhstan to be closed by the authorities. More than 30 media outlets have been closed since late 2013 with authorities citing administrative code violations or the publishing of extremist views as the reasons.
Mijatović said her Office provided Kazakh authorities with a legal review of the administrative code in 2013 that advised removing the draconian penalties for administrative missteps.
The legal review is available at:
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. She provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on