No compromise acceptable on free expression and free media, says OSCE Representative to Permanent Council

VIENNA, 28 November 2013 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today told participating States that while journalism has transformed itself over the past 15 years, the threats to free media remain the same.
“My predecessors and I have appeared before this council since 1998 and time and again expressed grievances about the media freedom situation in the OSCE region,” Mijatović said while presenting her regular report to the Permanent Council.
“OSCE commitments on media freedom are still not respected in full by all participating States; too many still refuse to believe there are media freedom problems in their countries, and people are still put in jail because of what they write or say”.
Marking the 15th anniversary of the OSCE institution, Mijatović highlighted the issues faced and achievements made by her office over the past 15 years. She also pointed to the media freedom challenges to come and the future work of the office.
During her presentation Mijatović stressed that safety of journalists is one of pillars of free media and urged participating States to do more to safeguard and protect journalists, citing figures that show well more than 100 members of the media have spent time in jail since the Representative’s last regular report in June.
“We have seen too many of assaults, threats, beatings and even killings of journalists. I call on participating States to end their prosecution and persecution of free media. It is time we put an end to the vicious cycle of violence, and the first step should be to eradicate impunity throughout the OSCE region,” Mijatović said.
The anniversary website, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, is available at
The report to the Permanent Council is available at //