Internet vital for free expression and free media, says OSCE media freedom representative at Stockholm Internet Forum

Speaking at the Stockholm Internet Forum on 22 May 2013, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, stressed that technology does not change fundamental freedoms.
“We do not know what the future will bring or what kinds of technological developments and innovations there will be, but fundamental freedoms will remain the same,” Mijatović said in a panel addressing the relationship between security and human rights issues.
”That is why I find it crucial that developing and entering an ’unknown sphere’ should not be used as an excuse for restricting freedom of the media, free speech and the free flow of information.”
The annual meeting organized by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs attracts more than 450 key policymakers to discuss Internet freedom and security and economic development.
More information on the conference is available at