Dublin Conference on Internet Freedom
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The Dublin Conference on Internet Freedom will offer an opportunity to explore key issues related to Internet Freedom. It is addressed at human dimension experts, those working on broader internet governance issues in OSCE participating States, as well as civil society actors in the OSCE area. Representatives of the ICT and media sectors will also be invited.
The aim of the conference is to move towards a clearer understanding of existing OSCE commitments regarding the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of the media, and their application to the Internet and other networked technologies. It will explore current challenges to the enjoyment of these rights, including permissible and impermissible restrictions on freedom of expression.
The conference will also examine issues surrounding Internet governance and uses of the Internet to facilitate and enhance - as well as potentially to limit - the exercise of the rights to freedom of assembly and association. The conference will dedicate a specific session to the use of social media and social networks.
The entire conference will be live-streamed on this website, and comments and questions may be put to panellists during the Conference via a live Twitter feed. Follow us today on Twitter @NetFreedom2012
The meeting will address the topic through the following four sessions:
- High-Level Panel, which will consider how to ensure that the Internet remains an open, global and public forum for exercising freedom of opinion and expression and for facilitating the enjoyment of other human rights and fundamental freedoms
- Towards a Shared Understanding on Internet Freedom (1): Online Content
- Towards a Shared Understanding on Internet Freedom (2): Internet Governance and Human Rights
- Towards a Shared Understanding on Internet Freedom (3): New Media: Social Media and Social Networks
Google is inviting all Conference participants under its “Big Tent” for a reception and more informal debate on the evening of 18 June.
Informal conclusions and recommendations will be presented to the closing session, aimed at the OSCE in general, including its participating States and its executive structures, other intergovernmental organisations, and civil society actors in OSCE participating States.
Registration: Online registration for all participants is available at: http://meetings.odihr.pl. Participants wishing to attend are requested to register by Thursday, 14 June 2012.
Contact information:
Substantive content matters: Jonathan Conlon, Deputy Director, OSCE Chairmanship Taskforce, at jonathan.conlon@dfa.ie or +353 1 408 2093
Organisational matters: Claire Martinez, OSCE Chairmanship Taskforce, at claire.martinez@dfa.ie or +353 1 408 2097
Registration: Anna Sierant, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, at anna.sierant@odihr.pl or +48 22 52 00 627
Media enquiries: //www.osce.org/cio/91157