12th High-level Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference “An Agenda for Prevention of Human Trafficking: Non-Discrimination and Empowerment”

The 12th High-level Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference “An Agenda for Prevention of Human Trafficking: Non-Discrimination and Empowerment” aims to shed light on an important area of prevention that deserves further attention and to explore how anti-trafficking and anti-discrimination measures can enhance each other.
The conference will examine:
- How discrimination in its myriad forms (including discrimination based on race, gender, membership in a national or ethnic group, social and migration status) contributes to the increased vulnerability of certain groups to human trafficking, while at the same time acts to limit their access to services, care, protection and ultimately, social inclusion
- How a more robust use of the international human rights law framework and specifically the principles of non-discrimination and equality can reinforce the rights of trafficked persons, and offer additional channels of legal protection and entitlements
- How the concept of empowerment and the principle of non-discrimination can be used in prevention strategies for human trafficking, with examples of good practices.
During the conference, the OSCE will also host a photo exhibition entitled “Human Trafficking Through Children’s Eyes” produced by children in Moldovan residential schools. The exhibition is part of an OSCE project implemented in partnership with the Child Rights Information Centre Moldova as well as with Moldova’s Education Ministry and Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, with the financial support of Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino.
The conference was webstreamed live.