OSCE helps Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan find ways to share water resources

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, 26 July 2006 - The first meeting of the recently formed Chu-Talas Rivers Commission, set up to better manage water resources in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, was held today in Bishkek.
Under a joint project, implemented by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, the OSCE Centre in Kazakhstan, the United Nations' Economic Commission for Europe and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, relevant ministries and agencies of both countries will work closely to better manage the water resources.
"The sharing of water resources, in particular between upstream and downstream countries, is often characterized by tension and insecurity," said Bernard Snoy, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities. "We are glad that Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan have found a mutually beneficial way to oversee the water infrastructure used by both countries."
Kazakhstan has agreed to pay part of the operating and maintenance expenses for a number of Kyrgyz dams and reservoirs which supply water to both countries. A bilateral commission will now start implementing the agreement, a breakthrough in water relations in Central Asia.
The international community has supported the commission's formation, with the European Union implementing a project on integrated water resources management in the basins of the Chu and Talas rivers, and the Asian Development Bank providing support for setting up the commission's secretariat and renovating some infrastructure on the rivers.
"Applying the example of Kazakh-Kyrgyz co-operation in water resource sharing in other transboundary river basins in Central Asia could help solve the region's water needs and serve as a confidence-building measure towards ensuring security in the region," added Mr. Snoy.
A regional conference, which will allow to disseminate the achieved experience on the transboundary water management to other Central Asian countries, will take place later in the day.