OSCE Special Representative commends France on prioritizing fight against trafficking and calls for strengthening victim-centred approaches
PARIS, 2 July 2021 – Valiant Richey, OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, concludes his five-day visit to France today. He highlighted that France has demonstrated strong commitment to fight trafficking in human beings, while noting that more efforts in implementation are needed.
Richey engaged with high-level representatives from all the ministries involved in the implementation of the second national action plan against trafficking in human beings. Ambassador Jean-Claude Brunet, Special Representative in charge of the fight against organized crime and Elisabeth Moiron-Braud, Secretary General of the Interministerial Mission for the Protection of Women against Violence and the Fight against Human Trafficking (MIPROF) accompanied Richey throughout his visit.
Their discussions confirmed France’s attention to trafficking in human beings within a broader focus on human rights, feminist diplomacy and organized crime. However, the meetings also revealed the need for a clear national referral mechanism, increase resources dedicated to victim assistance, and improve understanding of existing laws that aim to combat exploitation, especially of children.
“Understanding the seriousness of human trafficking and prioritizing the best interest of victims at all times is critical in advancing the implementation of the French anti-trafficking strategy at national and local levels,” said Richey. “More robust implementation of existing laws supported by adequate funding and resources is needed.”
The OSCE delegation also met with law enforcement, prosecutors and judges, the Independent National Rapporteur on the fight against trafficking and exploitation of human beings, and representatives of civil society and the private sector. The increasing phenomenon of exploitation of children in prostitution, particularly of French children on the Internet, was key topic of discussion. Richey urged authorities to take all available steps to address the issue.
During visits to a shelter and a support organization for victims of human trafficking in Paris and in Lyon, Richey met with victims who shared the challenges they had faced and asked him to be their voices. Throughout the discussions in Paris and Lyon, Richey echoed the victims’ plea for more protection and assistance. Richey also met with a Member of Parliament to discuss the implementation of the law of March 27, 2017 relating to the due diligence against exploitation and forced labor.
Richey urged officials to keep trafficking in human beings high on the political agenda and to strengthen the country’s response through improved awareness-raising, and guidance on the policiesand procedures regulating victim identification and assistance.
“I was delighted to learn about the major steps taken by France to discourage demand and adapt its judicial response to the new trends in child trafficking and the misuse of technologies,” said Richey. “My Office offers its support in implementing innovative solutions to respond to the scale of the crime.”