OSCE Chairman welcomes agreement on early elections in Ukraine
MADRID, 4 May 2007 - The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, said today he was glad that a breakthrough agreement was reached in negotiations between Ukraine's top political leaders to hold early elections.
"The fact that Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych reached an agreement today on holding early elections is a positive sign," said Minister Moratinos.
"This agreement signals the end of a political standoff, which has interrupted the normal functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine for weeks. I am confident that through democratic elections the situation will be resolved."
The Chairman encouraged both sides to facilitate the operation of the working group, tasked with resolving outstanding issues pertaining to the elections, and urged them to continue a constructive political dialogue to ensure that elections are held in a democratic way.
He added that the OSCE was prepared to provide any assistance needed in this respect.