OSCE Chairman criticizes Kyrgyzstan for extraditions, calls on Russian authorities not to deport refugees to Uzbekistan
BRUSSELS, 10 August 2006 -The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht, today criticized Kyrgyzstan for extraditing four refugees and one asylum-seeker, all Uzbek citizens, to Uzbekistan.
"I deeply deplore Kyrgyzstan's decision to deport the four refugees and the asylum-seeker to Uzbekistan, and am very concerned about their welfare and safety. Kyrgyzstan's failure to live up to its international obligations is a serious concern," Minister De Gucht said.
Kyrgyzstan is a State Party to the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and the 1984 Convention Against Torture, and has thus committed itself to protect the rights of refugees and uphold the principle of non-refoulement.
After the May 2005 unrest in Andijan, Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz authorities denied four asylum seekers refugee status, although UNHCR had officially recognized them as refugees. These individuals were the subject of an extradition request from the Uzbek authorities as they were facing criminal charges for their alleged involvement in the Andijan events.
Also in 2005, Kyrgyzstan was commended by the international community for facilitating UNHCR's resettlement of a group of more than 400 refugees from Uzbekistan to other states, despite pressure. Minister De Gucht today regretted that this positive precedent was not followed by Kyrgyzstan in the present case.
The OSCE Chairman-in-Office also called on Uzbekistan to guarantee the well-being and safety of all those already extradited and to provide the international community access to them.
The OSCE Chairman-in-Office also urged the Russian authorities not to deport 12 Uzbek citizens and one Kyrgyz citizen, all of whom had sought refuge in Russia. The Russian authorities arrested them more than a year ago at the request of the Uzbek Government based on its accusations of their involvement in the event. They were in Russia at the time of the Andijan unrest in May 2005.
"I call upon the Russian authorities to stop the extradition process and to continue to work together with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to resolve this case in a manner consistent with international law," Minister De Gucht said.
Minister De Gucht said the OSCE would continue to follow the matter closely, in co-operation with other international organizations.