OSCE Chairperson calls for diplomacy to overcome the crisis

BERN, 18 March 2014 - Swiss Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairperson Didier Burkhalter considers the latest steps, taken today by the Russian Federation regarding the status of Crimea a breach of fundamental OSCE commitments and not compatible with international law. These unilateral actions also contradict the Helsinki Final Act, he said. OSCE countries have committed themselves to a security community where each participating State has an equal right to security and none of the OSCE countries should strengthen its security at the expense of the security of other States, Burkhalter went on.
He emphasized that today’s events must not mark the end of diplomacy to overcome the crisis. Frank and honest dialogue and determined efforts to build bridges are now more important than ever. The Swiss OSCE Chairmanship will continue to pursue its role in this regard, Burkhalter concluded, calling on all actors to contribute.