Freedom of movement, perspectives of joint commitment on non-use of force top agenda of 25th round of Geneva International Discussions
GENEVA, 6 November 2013 – Freedom of movement, perspectives for a joint commitment on non-use of force were key topics of the deliberations at the 25th meeting of the Geneva International Discussions today co-chaired by the OSCE Chair’s Special Representative for conflicts, Ambassador Andrii Deshchytsia.
The Geneva International Discussions address the consequences of the 2008 conflict in Georgia; other co-chairs are the EU Special Representative, Philippe Lefort, and the UN Representative, Antti Turunen.
Characterizing the situation in the region along the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) as stable, Deshchytsia reflected on the importance of continuing constructive work in the framework of the Ergneti Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM). Referring to the negative impact of fence-installation activities near the ABL, he said: "I call for the pragmatic approach of all stakeholders in addressing the concerns of the local population on the ground."
In this regard the Special Representative reiterated his call to conduct a joint visit to the affected areas in the framework of the IPRM in order to make an objective assessment and elaborate the most efficient responses to arising problems.
Ambassador Deshchytsia stressed the importance of achieving progress in the work on the joint document on non-use of force. "I call on the participants to engage actively and constructively in reaching the agreement on the text of the document," he said.
The Special Representative welcomed the reinvigorated approach of the Georgian authorities to addressing the issue of missing persons, which resulted in reopening of the investigation into the fate of three South Ossetians missing since 2008. He expressed hope that the initiative to organize another meeting between the representatives of the Georgian Prosecutor’s Office with the relatives of the missing persons can be implemented in a timely manner.
The participants agreed to hold the next round of the Geneva International Discussions on 17-18 December.