Anti-corruption digital toolbox focus of OSCE seminar in Ashgabat
Sharing advanced experiences in the development of new systems and mechanisms to promote a corruption-free society facilitated by broadly accessible digital technologies is the subject of an OSCE-organized online seminar that opened in Ashgabat on 15 June 2021. The two-day event will provide an overview on a range of digital technologies in preventing and combatting corruption, and best practices in Digital Government transformation.
The seminar is part of the Centre’s project on Strengthening National Capacities in Preventing and Fighting Corruption. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Finance and Economics, the Ministry of Justice, the Central Bank, the Prosecutor-General’s Office, the State Customs Service and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and other state agencies and non-governmental structures participated in the event.
Two experts from Mongolia and Ukraine presented international standards and best practices in developing anti-corruption legislation and introducing information communication technology to enhance inter-agency co-operation efficiency. The experts facilitated discussion on digital dividends in the form of faster economic growth, more jobs and innovations.
In his opening speech, William Leaf, Politico-Military Dimension Officer of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, stressed the importance of anti-corruption measures for economic and social development: “Corruption is a key threat to good governance, democratic processes and fair business practices. Moreover, corruption is a major impediment to progress in trade and networking”. He emphasized the transparency, accountability and digitalization as preconditions for effective prevention and tackling corruption and expressed the willingness of the Centre to further promote and facilitate national, regional and international initiatives in the area.
“The OSCE attaches great importance to the fight against corruption and promotion of the principles of good governance,” added Leaf. “Among the OSCE’s planned activities is the advanced support to further develop a legislative anti-corruption framework and provide government officials, representatives of law enforcement, the private sector and civil society with all necessary information on best practices, policy trends and pertinent measures of OSCE participating States to prevent and suppress corruption.”