Combating illicit trafficking of cultural property focus of OSCE developmental workshop in Edinburgh

As part of its ongoing multi-year program to combat the illicit trafficking of cultural property, from 12 to 14 September in Edinburgh, Scotland, the OSCE Transnational Threats Department led a workshop comprised of subject matter experts to develop a first of its kind interactive training program for OSCE participating States’ law enforcement and border security personnel.
The scenario based training program will assist the OSCE participating States to more effectively confront this emerging transnational threat, with its close linkages to transnational organized crime, money laundering, and terrorist financing.
The group was comprised of experts from several countries in the OSCE Area representing border security and law enforcement agencies, museums, and international organizations including the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, UN Office of Counter Terrorism, International Council of Museums, Cranfield University Forensic Institute, British Museum, and Blue Shield International.
During the three-day workshop, the experts exchanged views and experiences as they worked to develop the specialized training program that will include case study analysis, crime scene investigation, cross border co-operation, international legal instruments and legislation, and undercover operations.
The interactive and scenario based training program will be used in upcoming workshops to be held in Helsinki, Finland, and Sofia, Bulgaria.