OSCE trains local government, water user associations in southern Kyrgyzstan

JALAL-ABAD, Kyrgyzstan, 10 March 2012 – More efficient use of water resources and resolving potential disputes over water were the focus of a training seminar that took place today in Jalal-Abad, southern Kyrgyzstan, with the support of the OSCE Osh field office.
Representatives of 16 Water User Associations (WUAs) and local governance bodies from across the province discussed ways of working together, and shared experiences and best practices in establishing constructive and efficient co-operation.
Ambassador Andrew Tesoriere, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, said: “The distribution, use and management of water resources in Kyrgyzstan is characterized by certain economic inefficiency and linked with communal disputes. Today’s event bringing together important stakeholders – water users associations and local self-governance bodies - makes an important practical contribution to increasing understanding within communities, boosting agricultural production and ensuring sound management of the environment.”
Bolotbek Bazarkulov, the Head of a local governmental body (Kenesh), added: “Irrigation water is essential for agriculture in the Fergana valley, and water users associations and local governmental structures have always been first contact points for local citizens in case of any water-related conflict. United by common tasks, these institutions are elaborating ways of efficient co-operation based on their particular strengths and expertise.”
The seminar is a part of the project “Capacity Building Support for Water Users Associations in southern Kyrgyzstan”. Under the project, the OSCE through its Centre in Bishkek trained 55 representatives of twelve WUAs, who in turn provided peer-to-peer mentoring to 36 other associations. In addition, irrigation equipment and construction material for canal renovation was provided to the associations, and co-ordination and co-operation between the associations and local self-governance bodies was promoted through organizing events and providing mini-grants for joint activities.
Similar training seminars will be organized in Osh and Batken provinces on 13 and 15 March.