OSCE Centre launches new training course on sustainable development for business in Kazakhstan
ALMATY, 27 November 2008 - How to integrate environmental and social factors into business strategies was the topic of a four-day training course that ended in Almaty today.
The course, jointly organized by the OSCE Centre in Astana, the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research and the Centre for Co-operation for Sustainable Development, brought together more than 40 senior managers from companies, financial institutions and industry associations.
The participants studied best practices for preventing pollution, cleaner production, business ethics and environmental efficiency for companies based on case studies. They also discussed how sustainable development strategies can be introduced in their companies.
"Business managers have a clear commercial interest in increasing resource efficiency and introducing sustainable production patterns in their companies," said Alexander Keltchewsky, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Astana. "We hope that the training course can be used regularly to improve skills and increase environmental awareness among private and state-owned companies in Kazakhstan."
Vera Mustafina, Head of the Centre for Co-operation for Sustainable Development, added:
"The business community is a key target group which can contribute significantly towards achieving sustainability. More assistance should be provided to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the business community to apply an environmentally-conscious approach."
The course forms part of a long-term OSCE Centre programme to promote education for sustainable development in Kazakhstan. Earlier, the programme saw the development of course modules and guidelines to be used in higher education in Kazakhstan.