OSCE supports training for judges on combating human trafficking in Kazakhstan

The first in a series of six OSCE-supported one-day training seminars on good legislative and judicial practices to combat trafficking in human beings began in Astana on 1 March 2017.
The seminar brought together more than 35 judges dealing with criminal cases from 14 regions of Kazakhstan. It was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, in co-operation with the Justice Academy, the Supreme Court and the United States Embassy in Kazakhstan. National experts will present the best ways to apply current national legislation and international legal tools to enhance the judicial protection of human trafficking victims.
Participants addressed challenges in proving crimes related to trafficking in court, trends and practices used by courts to identify trafficking victims and international good practices regarding compensation mechanisms for victims of trafficking. A special emphasis was placed on changes made in the new criminal and administrative justice codes regarding cases related to trafficking in human beings as well as ways to further enhance co-operation between law enforcement and judicial authorities and civil society.
The event is part of the OSCE Programme Office’s long-standing efforts to support the host country in combating human trafficking and in implementing the OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings.