OSCE marks International Human Rights Day with Youth Legal Forum in Kazakhstan

ASTANA, 10 December 2015 – The annual OSCE-sponsored Youth Legal Forum dedicated to "Human Rights Protection in the Fight against Terrorism” took place today at the Kazakh Humanities and Law University in Astana (KAZGUU) in recognition of the International Human Rights Day.
The Forum was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana in co-operation with the Kazakh Humanities and Law University and the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan.
Some 100 international and national legal experts and students from universities across the country, state officials and civil society representatives participated in the event. Guest speakers included Deputy Prosecutor General Andrey Kravchenko and a specialist from the OSCE Transnational Threats Department.
The agenda aimed to raise students’ awareness of international human rights standards, along with legal tools, preventive measures in fighting extremism and counter-narratives grounded in a rights-based approach.
The event included an expert panel discussion, an international essay competition and a national debate tournament among students of law faculties. Debates and competitions encouraged the students to analyse current challenges linked to terrorism, radicalization and other global threats and the relevant role of social media. The winner of a student essay contest will travel to an OSCE event on countering terrorism in 2016.
Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana Natalia Zarudna noted the importance of the OSCE Astana Commemorative Declaration in combating terrorism. “The Astana Declaration emphasizes the relevance of the OSCE anti-terrorism approach, based on a comprehensive concept of security, rule of law and respect for human rights. Law enforcement agencies, in accordance with these goals and objectives, should ensure national security and a professional response to emerging threats. But this should be done without detriment to the basic freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and human rights.”
Deputy Prosecutor General Andrey Kravchenko noted that all investigations on criminal cases related to extremism and terrorism are conducted according to the international documents on human rights and the norms of the national criminal law and criminal process.
Talgat Narikbayev, Rector of KAZGUU University said: “Extremist and terrorist groups increasingly engage young people in their criminal actions. Therefore, activities that reveal the negative reality of these ideologies among university students is of great value. Involving you in discussions on security issues in different formats, such today’s student forum, confirms the aspiration of our university to continue its consistent work on prevention of radicalization and violent extremism.”
The event is part of the Office’s long-standing efforts to engage youth and to promote their involvement in decision-making processes. This is the ninth year that the Programme Office has supported the Forum with the previous events being co-organized in partnership with the Caspian Public University in Almaty.