Roundtable “Towards a comprehensive implementation in Kazakhstan of the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security”
27 November 2015 (All day)
Astana, Kazakhstan
Organized by
The OSCE Programme Office in Astana, the UN Women Multi-Country Office for Central Asia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The roundtable discussion will bring together government representatives, members of parliament, representatives of NGOs, as well as experts from France and Georgia.
The event aims to provide an overview of the main principles, provisions and obligations of the members states as defined by UNSCR 1325. It will also look at the relevant policies and interventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, analyse best practices, lessons learned and challenges in developing the National Action Plan (NAP) on UNSCR 1325, including the NAP cost projections, reporting mechanisms, accountability and the role of civil society.