Customs officials complete OSCE training in Ashgabat
ASHGABAT, 17 July 2009 - A four-week OSCE-sponsored training course for Turkmenistan Customs Officials on customs risk assessment, profiling, targeting, selection and search techniques concluded in Ashgabat today.
The 10 participants from Turkmenistan's State Customs Service completed a two-week modular training course as well as a two-week customs trainer course to become customs instructors.
"This project supports the efforts of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan to improve overall customs training and enhance the national training capacity at the recently-established Customs Training Centre. It will also help improve training at regional Customs headquarters throughout the country," said Ambassador Arsim Zekolli, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.
Michael Sandy, one of the two international experts who delivered the specially designed courses, added: "A Customs Service plays a vital role in comprehensive border management, the fight against smuggling and other forms of trans-national organised crime, while also collecting revenues and facilitating trade. Managing this joint task requires qualified professional staff, high ethical standards and sound knowledge of best international practices, operational procedures and law-enforcement techniques."
The training course formed part of an OSCE project to assist Turkmenistan and Afghanistan increase the professional capabilities of their customs personnel. The next phase of the project will see the new Turkmenistan trainers delivering a further four-week course to their peers.
The project is financed by the government of Norway.