OSCE Presence in Albania trains women to run in upcoming local elections

TIRANA, 8 April 2011 - Albanian President Bamir Topi and the Head of the OSCE Presence, Ambassador Eugen Wollfarth, presented today certificates to women who completed an OSCE training project for female candidates in upcoming local government elections.
Under the project, the Presence together with its Albanian implementing partner, the Gender Alliance for Development Centre, organized two training sessions in seven regions of Albania. Around 200 women candidates, including representatives of political parties and independent candidates were trained in advocacy, public speaking, and communication with media, as well as in developing a fair, effective and competitive election campaign.
“Bridging the current gender equality gap in all governance structures remains a challenge. All national and international partners alike have a substantive responsibility to address it,” Wollfarth said. He added that the 8 May elections would show to what extent women would vote, and to what extent women would be able to vote individually and secretly.
The President of the Republic said: “Nowadays, gender prejudice and discriminatory administrative and legal practices impeding gender equality no longer exist. Unfortunately, there is still a deep gap between the political parties’ promises on increasing women’s participation in the decision making and the official candidates’ lists.”
Today’s event concluded the second phase of a three-year project Enhancing Women’s Role in Governance implemented by the Presence. The project is funded by the governments of Sweden and the Netherlands.