Feel the Justice. JustConf-2023
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JustConf is an open annual platform for professional discussion about criminal justice, ideas that change and strengthen criminal justice sector in Ukraine, and about people who add meaning, movement, and development to the system and work to ensure that justice is delivered. This year's title – “Feel the Justice” – highlights the ongoing efforts of the entire criminal justice community, as part of the legal environment, and the whole of Ukraine to ensure that justice is delivered.
30 November marks the 645th day of the full-scale war against Ukraine. During this time, the country’s criminal justice system changed and is facing new challenges: documenting and investigating international crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine, new corpus delicti and changing priorities in the investigation, co-operation with the International Criminal Court and international experts, prosecuting cases of collaboration and war crimes by national courts, restoration of justice in the de-occupied territories, etc.
The speakers selected in an open competition will present their ideas, share their vision and ways to solve the challenges faced by the criminal justice system.
Registration for the event is open till 19 November here: https://cutt.ly/rwWKLWUY.
For additional information please contact Daria Sydorchuk (email: jtg.ngo@gmail.com)
The OSCE Project “Assisting Supreme Court and Higher Courts in Implementing Judicial Reform and War-related Justicewill jointly organize the event in co-operation with JustGroup and UNDP Ukraine. This effort is part of the OSCE Secretariat Extra-Budgetary Support Programme for Ukraine implemented with extra-budgetary contributions from the Organization's participating States; see the full list of the Programme's donors.