Legislation and Self-Regulation of the Media in Russia and the EU: Role of Professional Ethics and Solidarity
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The Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media will participate at the international seminar. The main goal of the event is to present analysis of Russian and EU media development with special focus on the topics of recent changes of legislation and professional ethics & self-regulation, as well as skills in covering sensitive matters, such as migration, ethnicity, gender, religion, violence etc. Another goal is to strengthen the already existing network of media professionals from Russia and the EU countries, which was established in 2017 thanks to Journalism-themed projects initiated by the Public Diplomacy: EU and Russia. The conference will develop strategies for future cooperation, especially on covering sensitive issues in Russia and the EU.
See more at: https://splab.timepad.ru/event/711913/?utm_source=Sait_Jour_Timepad&utm_...