Ukraine’s deminers face an immense task of searching residential areas to find unexploded shells, mortars and bombs to enable reconstruction of buildings and safe life of local people. The OSCE Project Co-ordinator is working to build capacity of Ukraine’s humanitarian deminers by providing training and equipment, as well as policy support. Image: Kyinka village, Chernihiv Oblast. (Andrii Dziubenko/OSCE)
Ukrainian demining specialists from Ministry of Defence and State Emergency Service are trained to use metal detectors provided by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator at a training ground of State Special Transport Service in Chernihiv. 28-30 May 2019 (OSCE)
The staff of OSCE Project Co-ordinator and OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine demonstrates the demining equipment during the Mine Awareness Day, Kyiv, 4 April 2018. (OSCE/Andrii Kravchenko)
Ukrainian deminers being trained on how to use an information management system for mine action organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine and supported by the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining, Merefa, 4 December 2015. (OSCE/Inna Sokolovska)
Participants of the First National Conference on Preventing and Combating Illicit Trafficking in Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives in all its aspects, Kyiv, 15 – 16 February, 2022. (OSCE/Serhii Korovainyi)
Canine units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS) receive from OSCE canine trailers with field kennels and harnesses with leashes, Kyiv, 19 August 2021 (Valerii Oliinyk/SBGS)
Ukrainian armed forces personnel remove the last melange from the Kalynivka storage site in the Vinnytsya region of Ukraine, 24 January 2010. (OSCE/Leonid Kalashnyk)