Resilience of Journalists in Times of War: Psychological Aspect
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How to keep working and not burn out when you face human grief every day and every minute? How not to lose the ability to feel when describing suffering is your job? How to make plans when there is uncertainty around?
Let’s talk about this online, on 3 May 2022 at 11:00 during the practical discussion "Resilience of Journalists in Times of War: Psychological Aspect", organized by the Commission on Journalistic Ethics and the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
This is part of a series of events dedicated to strengthening capacity of journalists to work during martial law.
Speaker: Olena STUPAK, psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience, trainer of the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists in Psychodrama. Lecturer at the Ukrainian Psychotherapeutic University. Full member of the NGO "Ukrainian Association of Specialists in Overcoming the Consequences of Psycho-Traumatic Events". Since 2014 she is involved in the activities of the Psychological Crisis Service (psychological support and correctional work with internally displaced persons, combatants, members of their families, family members of the victims).
During the event you will be able to:
- discuss the risk factors inherent in the work of a journalist, the danger of "witness injury", think about how to protect yourself;
- get acquainted with the mental mechanisms of response to danger, their impact on our behavior and ability to think and analyze;
- get acquainted with specific tools for mastering own attacks of anxiety, apathy, anger;
- remember our own resources for overcoming unproductive states due to stress;
- ask your questions and get answers.
Moderator: Andriy Kulykov, Chairman of the Commission on Journalistic Ethics.
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