International Consultative Workshop on Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances and on SEVESO III Directive Implementation
Organized by
The purpose of this International Consultative Workshop is to introduce to representatives of Ukrainian government, chemical industry, professional associations and non-governmental organizations best international experience in regulating risks of accidents involving dangerous substances, as well as to discuss development of relevant national legislation in line with EU Directive 2012/18/EU (known as Seveso III).
In addition, the event will familiarize the audience with the software applications developed by the MAHB of the EC JRC to assess physical effects of an industrial accident resulting from unintended release of a dangerous substance (ADAM tool) and to evaluate natural-hazard impact on industrial plants (RAPID-N tool). This will build the capacity of national stakeholders to implement Seveso-III requirements.
The event is part of the project “Improving Ukraine’s Regulatory System on Chemical Safety and Security” implemented by the Project Co-ordinator and OSCE CPC and funded by the European Union and the United States of America.
Those who are interested to participate in the International Consultative Workshop are kindly asked to register for the event no later than 7 June 2018 by sending an e-mail to Stanislav Kulykovskiy (SESU) For more information, contact Iryna Iarema or Anna Pustovit at the OSCE Project Co-ordinator, tel.: +380444920382.
A preliminary agenda is available here.