ODIHR Panel of Experts on Freedom of Assembly and Association

The main role of the Panel is to provide advice, guidance and recommendations to ODIHR when analysing the compliance of draft and existing laws and practices on freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association with international human rights standards, and when developing legislative guidelines.
Established in 2006, and initially focusing only on freedom of peaceful assembly, the mandate of the Panel was expanded in 2015 to also cover freedom of association.
The current Panel was appointed for a four-year term, starting from 1 January 2023, following an open call for applications. The 15 Panel Members work pro bono and act in their personal capacity. An annual meeting gathers all members in Warsaw, but otherwise they continue serving in their regular positions.
Coming from a variety of backgrounds, including academia, legal professions, assembly policing and civic and human rights activism, the Panel Members bring together a whole breadth of experience and knowledge on the fundamental rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association from across the OSCE region. In addition to their expertise, Panel Members were selected with a view to ensuring a gender- and age-balanced composition as well as geographical representation from across the OSCE region.