Comments on Draft Amendments to the Election Law of the Republic of Tajikistan, proposed by Political Parties
These comments discuss draft amendments proposed by political parties to the Election Law of the Republic of Tajikistan. These comments are limited to the draft amendments and are not an assessment of the law itself. The OSCE/ODIHR has
previously assessed the law and noted significant shortcomings in the law that require improvement in order to provide the necessary legal framework for democratic elections in Tajikistan. These comments are limited solely to the proposed draft
amendments and do not restate the concerns previously noted by the OSCE/ODIHR. Previously stated concerns remain as the draft amendments do not correct current shortcomings in the law and, in some instances, have aggravated existing problems.
The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this document are not given nor necessarily endorsed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) unless the OSCE is explicitly defined as the Author of this document.