Joint Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Electoral Code of Armenia
These comments follow the previous work by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia. This analysis is specifically based on the two most recent recommendations and the draft law
amending the Electoral Code, namely: • Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration in Armenia by OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission from 17 December 2003, CDL-AD(2003)021 (further referred to as Joint
Recommendations); • Additional Considerations on the Electoral Law and Electoral Administration in Armenia based on the roundtable on electoral reform held in Yerevan between 24/27 February 2004 by Michael Krennerich, Owen Masters and
Jessie Pilgrim (Additional Considerations); • Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, submitted by Mr Torossian, version of 21 July 2004 (CDL(2004)074).
The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this document are not given nor necessarily endorsed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) unless the OSCE is explicitly defined as the Author of this document.