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Best Practices for Roma Integration: Regional Report on Housing Legalization, Settlement Upgrading and Social Housing for Roma in the Western Balkans
The overall objective of the “Best Practices for Roma Integration (BPRI)” project is to contribute to the integration of Roma minorities in the Western Balkans, in accordance with the beneficiaries’ commitments as OSCE participating States and perspective members of the European Union. This report intends to contribute to this overall objective by providing a situation anal¬ysis of the housing conditions of Roma in the Western Balkans and by documenting good learning practice on legalization of land and buildings, upgrading of (informal) Roma settlements and the provision of social housing.
ODIHR and Judicial Independence: The Kyiv Recommendations
Factsheet on the Kyiv Recommendations, a document published by ODIHR consisting of policy suggestions in three areas that are of particular relevance for judicial independence: (1) judicial administration with a focus on judicial councils, judicial self-governing bodies, and the role of court chairs; (2) judicial selection criteria and procedures; and (3) accountability of judges and judicial independence in adjudication.
Factsheet on the ODIHR Core Group of Experts on Political Parties
Factsheet on the ODIHR Core Group of Experts on Political Parties, which was established in 2011 as part of ODIHR’s continuous efforts to assist OSCE participating States in developing and maintaining political party regulations that are in line with OSCE commitments and relevant international and regional standards.
A factsheet about ODIHR’s work in assisting OSCE participating States with the integration of migrants, managing labour migration and eliminating obstacles to the freedom of movement.
Best Practices for Roma Integration: Small Grants Programme: Summary of the Implementation of Selected Projects
Large amounts of funding have been allocated in the past by the EU to projects targeting the Roma, but many Roma
communities report little or no change in the situation on the ground. This report highlights the positive changes brought by the small grants programme and the multiplier effect it might have in generating further interest from the local self-governments or donors.
A factsheet about ODIHR’s work in supporting legal reform in participating States by reviewing, upon request, individual pieces of draft and existing legislation to ensure clarity and coherence, as well as compliance with OSCE commitments and international human rights standards.