Workshop and Conference “Mapping the Challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma in a War Time and Overcoming the Obstacles through Policy, Advocacy and Empowerment”
Organized by
This event comprises a workshop held on 6 March and a conference held on 7 March 2024.
The workshop will serve as a safe venue for Roma civil society, activists and human rights defenders to map out the challenges experienced by Ukrainian Roma in the context of the war. Participants will take the ownership of the discussions by coagulating a list of issues and recommendations with the focus on recovery measures to engage in a dialogue with authorities on ways to tackle the identified challenges.
The purpose of the conference is to create space for a constructive dialogue between Ukrainian Roma civil society and relevant state representatives based on challenges mapped out during the workshop. The event is aimed to identify synergies and joint action directed towards addressing the immediate and long-term needs of Roma communities affected by the armed conflict.
The event is open to invited participants only.