Application of norms of international law in criminal proceedings related to crimes committed during the armed conflict in Ukraine
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Upholding the rule of law, even during a state of public emergency, remains a key commitment of OSCE participating States (Moscow 1991). In consideration of this and other commitments to respect international humanitarian law (Helsinki 1992, Budapest 1994) and to hold individuals personally responsible for war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law (Stockholm 1992), the webinar will gather Ukrainian judges tasked with adjudicating war crime cases resulting from the armed conflict due to the Russian Federation’s military attack on Ukraine.
The webinar is co-organized with the Supreme Court (Ukraine) and is the second in a series of capacity-building events for Ukrainian judges. The event aims to share good practices and facilitate an exchange of views and a thoughtful legal discussion between experts and practitioners. Ukrainian criminal court judges, Supreme Court representatives, as well as international scholars and judges will participate in this event.
Topics for discussion include:
- practical challenges related to judicial drafting;
- legal issues related to armed forces’ participation in or failure to prevent war crimes;
- the status of prisoners of war;
- the status of victims and witnesses.
Participation in the webinar is by invitation only and will not be open to the general public. Enquiries can be addressed to Ola Quarnstrom, ODIHR Rule of Law Officer, at