Integrating a gender perspective in intelligence services
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Since the ground-breaking UN resolution 1325, the importance of integrating a gender perspective in the security sector has been widely recognized. In spite of this, little attention has been paid to gender in the context of intelligence services, a key part of the modern security sector.
Is a gender perspective less important for intelligence services than for other branches of the security sector? In fact, integrating a gender perspective into the work of intelligence services is essential to their operational effectiveness, and to the full enjoyment of the human rights of the societies they operate in, including their own staff.
Many of these issues are tackled in Tool 14: Intelligence & Gender of the DCAF, OSCE-ODIHR, UN Women Gender and Security Toolkit. Addressing intelligence services, intelligence practitioners and intelligence policy-makers, and also parliaments and civil society, it outlines a vision of what intelligence services that integrate a gender perspective into their work and advance gender equality will look like.
Join ODIHR, DCAF and UN Women and a diverse panel of experts and practitioners to discuss the different angles of integrating a gender perspective into the work of intelligence services, and its implications.
Some of the questions to be addressed are:
- What are good practices when it comes to integrating gender into the work of intelligence services– their collection and analysis of information?
- How to best integrate a gender analysis into surveillance practices and intelligence strategies?
- What are the gendered risks of the use of surveillance technologies and practices by intelligence agencies?
- What role should oversight bodies, including parliaments, play in making sure that intelligence services adopt a gender perspective?
To be announced.
The event will be held in English, and interpretation will be provided into Spanish, Russian, French and Georgian.
To register, please visit here.