Final Workshop within Capacity building programme on human rights monitoring and reporting for Roma Human Rights Defenders
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In 2021, ODIHR continued to expand the work on capacity-building for Roma and Sinti by undertaking the organization of training courses on Human Rights Monitoring and Reporting for Roma Human Rights Defenders.
The purpose of the training was to build the capacity of Roma and Sinti human rights defenders and members of civil society organizations, enabling them to independently carry out high quality and objective human rights monitoring activities.
The course coveres the human rights monitoring cycle and principles, as well as core principles of data gathering, human rights advocacy, digital security and working with state actors.
As a follow-up, ODIHR supported selected participants at human rights monitoring activities on the national level and provided tailored coaching and guidance.
At the end of the implementation of their monitoring plans, ODIHR organizes a closing event to enable the monitors to present their work and share experiences and good practices.
The Roma and Sinti Human Rights Defenders will have a platform to present their human rights work and share practical knowledge and lessons learned relevant for civil society in the OSCE area.
The event will be conducted in English.