The potential of open data in enhancing transparency and accountability during the COVID-19 crisis era
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Governments worldwide have taken extraordinary measures in the emergency situations created by the COVID-19 crisis. Open data portals and digital platforms have become vital in making information available to the public and relevant stakeholders. In many OSCE participating States, open data portals have ensured that emergency procurement procedures are open and transparent, with civil society organizations monitoring procurement processes and prices of medical tests and supplies. Open data platforms will prove even more significant during the economic recovery process, as citizens will look to their governments’ policy responses to overcome the impeding economic and financial crises.
The webinar provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the role of open data and digital tools in strengthening government transparency and integrity during and after the emergency created by COVID-19.
Speakers shared best practices and national experiences in data publishing in the emergency context and discussed open-data related challenges.
- Ambasador Vuk Žugić, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities
- Ms. Cecilia Emilsson, OECD Directorate for Pubic Governance, Digital Government and Data Unit
- Mr. Karolis Granickas, Senior Programme Manager, Open Contracting Partnership (OCP)
- Ms. Leila Bičakčić, Executive Director, Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) Sarajevo
- Mr. Murod Khusanov, National Economic and Environmental Officer, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan
Some of the recommendations made during the discussion among the experts and participants included:
- Whether in the emergency procurement procedures necessary during the COVID-19 crisis or in the longer term, innovative partnerships with businesses and civil society organizations are key in driving the use of open data for better policy making and governance.
- Successful open data initiatives identify data needs for policymakers and establish coalitions of change by raising awareness of the relevant ministries and other relevant actors inside and outside governments.
- Developing the appropriate infrastructure for data governance and horizontal coordination between the relevant government ministries and open data coordinating agencies is critical in producing timely and high-quality data.
- Open data portals and digital platforms can play a crucial role in the global economic recovery process by providing effective screening for investments to improve the business climate; effectively managing cross-border procurement in cross-border trade; improving procurement performance to help boost market access; enable smarter contract management, internal red flagging, auditing capabilities, and swifter transactions.
- OSCE can play an important role in providing guidance and facilitating implementation of open data initiatives as well as in promoting policy monitoring and evaluation. It can, in partnership with other international and regional organizations, raise awareness on the application of open data to strengthen public sector integrity and prevent corruption in the OSCE region, taking into consideration that participating States can be at different stages in terms of connectivity and technology advancement.