Launch of the Occasional Paper 'Applying Gender-Sensitive Approaches in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings'
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The OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings is organizing a special focus event on the occasion of the launch of the occasional paper Applying gender-sensitive approaches in combating trafficking in human beings. (Registration link:
The purpose of this event is to examine the complexities that lie in understanding and implementing gender-sensitive approaches in combating trafficking in human beings. Following a presentation of the key findings and policy recommendations outlined in the paper, the panelists will explore how to address the gaps in the current anti-trafficking prevention, protection, and prosecution efforts and how to build awareness around gender stereotypes and barriers to assistance for certain groups of victims of trafficking, especially those who do not fit the profile of an "ideal victim."
Boys, girls, men, and women are vulnerable to trafficking in human beings for different reasons and are affected differently. Therefore, prevention, protection, and prosecution efforts must apply a gender-sensitive lens to effectively tackle trafficking and respond to the specific needs of all victims.
With the ratification of a number of international instruments as well as the adoption of OSCE commitments that recognized violence against women and discrimination based on sex among the root causes of trafficking (PC.DEC/557, MC.DEC/10/11) and emphasized the need to address gender-specific aspects anti-trafficking response (MC.DEC/6/17, MC.DEC/7/17), all 57 OSCE participating States have committed to adopt and implement gender-sensitive approaches to combatting trafficking in human beings.
However, many gender aspects associated with both the nature of the crime as well as responses to it remain unaddressed in the existing strategies for prevention, protection, and prosecution.
Against this background, the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings is launching a paper Applying gender-sensitive approaches in combating trafficking in human beings. Based on findings of a multi-method research design which included surveys, expert interviews, and expert group meetings with survivors, anti-trafficking experts, service providers, and law enforcement, the paper explores the development of and gaps in applying gender-sensitive approaches in the framework of THB prevention, protection, and prosecution.
By providing targeted recommendations for the OSCE participating States, it is hoped that the publication will increase the understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie in applying gender-sensitive approaches to combatting THB in all areas of the anti-trafficking response, from providing assistance and protection to addressing root causes and rendering justice through criminal proceedings.
Join us for the panel discussion with Valiant Richey, OSCE Special Representative on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Liliana Palihovici, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Gender, Jerome Elam, author and Member of the International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Board, Yasmin Vafa, Co-founder and Executive Director of Rights4Girls (USA), Markéta Hronková, Director and National Co-ordinator of La Strada (Czech Republic), Manfred Buchner, Head of MEN VIA, Protection and Support for Men Affected by Human Trafficking (Austria).
The event will be held in English with Russian interpretation.
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#HumanTrafficking is highly gendered. Boys/Girls/Men/Women are affected differently. The current application of #gender-sensitve approaches is insufficient, according to our new #study.
— OSCE Anti-Trafficking (@osce_cthb) May 18, 2021
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26 May 2021