Warsaw Human Dimension Conference
Organized by

This 10-day conference is dedicated to discussions on the condition of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the OSCE area. The conference provides a platform to evaluate the implementation of the OSCE Human Dimension commitments, and offers a forum for participants to present their current work and raise issues that they believe merit the urgent attention of the international community.
During plenary sessions, participants have the opportunity to address the entirety of the OSCE human dimension commitments, covering democratic Institutions, the rule of law, tolerance and non-discrimination, fundamental freedoms, and humanitarian issues.
The conference is open to representatives of OSCE participating States, Partners for Co-operation, OSCE institutions and other executive structures, and representatives of inter-governmental organizations and civil society, as well as other stakeholders with relevant experience from the 57 participating States.
Travel and accommodation in Warsaw
Participation in the event is free of charge. Travel and accommodation costs are borne by the participants. A list of recommended hotels and booking forms for hotels with special rates can be found under the resources section.
Participants requiring a visa to enter Poland are informed that the Polish consular services are facilitating the processing of visa requests for the purpose of attending the conference.
This includes the issuance of visas free of charge, priority processing of visa applications, as well as the possibility to apply for a visa in every Polish consular office, irrespective of the place of residence of the applicant. Detailed information on all visa facilitation measures is available in the consular sections of the Polish diplomatic missions.
Online self-registration is available here: https://meetings.odihr.pl. Registration opens on 28 July and closes on 8 September at 12.00 CET.
Accreditation for registered participants begins on site at 10.00 CET on Monday, 2 October. From 3 October, accreditation is open daily from 8.30 CET until 17.00 CET. On 13 October, accreditation closes at 13.00 CET.
Side events
Participants have the possibility to organize side events over the course of the conference. Side events provide an opportunity for organizers to focus on specific or pressing issues related to the OSCE human dimension commitments. The topics of side events should be aligned with the topic of the respective plenary session held on the same day.
The conference will start with the opening session, followed by eight thematic plenary sessions and the closing session.
Delegations of participating States are invited to deliver general statements during the opening and closing sessions.
Every organization and delegation participating will have the opportunity to sign-up to the speakers’ list for each thematic plenary session. The list will open at 9.00 each morning inside the plenary hall. To ensure that there is sufficient speaking time throughout the meeting, the list will be limited to 40 speakers per session, with a reserve of 20 speakers and, therefore, might be closed before the start of the session, once that limit is reached.
Every delegation/organization may speak once per session. Interventions may not exceed three minutes, unless the moderator permits otherwise. Longer interventions may be submitted at: https://meetings.odihr.pl.
Interpretation will be provided in two languages: English and Russian, a Ukrainian interpreter will also be available. Participants may also submit documents in English and Russian.
More details for participants on meeting rules, the code of conduct and other practical information, including on how to request the floor and submit meeting documents, is published below in the resources section.
The conference will be held in person. All plenary sessions will be live streamed on this page.
RUSSIAN (По-русски)
Recordings of the previous days will be available on YouTube in English and Russian.
Event pictures are available here.
Please contact the organizers for any questions you may have about the conference at warsawhdc@osce.org.
Please continue to consult this webpage, as further information will be added regularly closer to the event.