Training for trainers for Kyrgyz language news reporters
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A seven-day training for trainers, selected among the staff of the Kyrgyz language team of the non-governmental journalist organization and a news agency Kloop Media, will take place with the support of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek.
The training will be conducted by a well-known journalist with over 10 years of work experience with international news agencies, such as Institute for War and Peace Reporting, Radio Free Europe / Liberty and Azattyk radio in Kyrgyzstan.
Fourteen future trainers will attend the course, built on an intensive combination of case studies and practical work. The training is aimed at future capacity building of sound and voice, including radio reporters for Kloop’s Kyrgyz-language service. Currently, Kloop Media issues its Kyrgyz-language news as a translation from Russian. The course aims to mainstream Kyrgyz-language news reporting and help establish an authentic style.