Where We Are
OSCE Assistance Group to Chechnya (closed)

Overlooking the city of Grozny, Russia. (iStock Photo)
The OSCE Assistance Group to Chechnya began working in Grozny on 26 April 1995 and its mandate ended on 31 December 2002.
OSCE Assistance Group to Chechnya's tasks included:
- Promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the establishment of facts concerning their violation; helping foster the development of democratic institutions and processes, including the restoration of the local organs of authority; assisting in the preparation of possible new constitutional agreements and in the holding and monitoring of elections;
- Facilitating the delivery to the region by international and non-governmental organizations of humanitarian aid for victims of the crisis, wherever they may be located;
- Providing assistance to the authorities of the Russian Federation and to international organizations in ensuring the speediest possible return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes in the crisis region;
- Promoting the peaceful resolution of the crisis and the stabilization of the situation in the Chechen Republic in conformity with the principle of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and in accordance with OSCE principles and pursue dialogue and negotiations, as appropriate, through participation in 'round tables', with a view to establishing a cease-fire and eliminating sources of tension; and
- Supporting the creation of mechanisms guaranteeing the rule of law, public safety and law and order.
News archive related to the work of the Assistance Group to Chechnya is available here.
For more information, see the survey of OSCE field operations or contact the OSCE Secretariat’s Conflict Prevention Centre:
Office: +43 1 514 36 6122
Fax: +43 1 514 36 6996