Responding to Incidents of Domestic Violence - Manual for Social Services Officers (sr)

1 Introduction
1.1 Background to the publication
1.2 Manual and its purpose
1.3 The scope of this book
2 Domestic Violence Phenomenon
2.1 Defining Domestic Violence
2.1.1 Types of Domestic Violence Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional and Psychological Abuse Isolating Economic Abuse
2.1.2 Pattern of Escalating Violence
2.2 Indicators of Domestic Violence in a Victim
2.2.1 Physical Indicators of Domestic Violence
2.2.2 Emotional Indicators of Domestic Violence
2.2.3 Behavioural Indicators of Domestic Violence
2.3 Domestic Violence: Conceptional Framework
2.3.1 Kosovo through the Ecological Perspective
2.4 Personal Risk Factors that may contribute to DV
2.5 Women and Domestic Violence: Why is it difficult to leave
2.6 Effects of Domestic Violence on Children
3 Law relating to cases of Domestic Violence
3.1 Human Rights in Kosovo
3.2 Domestic Applicable Law to Domestic Violence
3.3 SSO obligations under the Domestic law
3.3.1 Law on Social Protection
3.3.2 Law on Marriage and Family Relations
3.3.3 UNMIK Regulation 2003/12
3.3.4 Provisional Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code
3.3.5 The Law on Social and Family Services
3.4 Mechanisms for Enforcing decisions
4. Case Management Approach to Domestic Violence
4.1. Case Management Framework
4.2. Operational Planning of Case Management
4.2.1. Goals of Intervention
4.2.2. System Coordination and Monitoring
4.2.3. Annual Reporting
5. Handling Individual Cases
5.1. Immediate Concerns
5.2. Initial Contact with the Victim of DV
5.3. The Domestic Violence Report
5.4. The Case Management Service Plan
5.5. Shelter
5.6. Protection Orders
5.7. Risk Assessment
5.8. Safety Planning
5.9. Suicide Assessment
5.10. Access to Justice
5.11. Material Help
5.12. Counselling
5.13. Emergency Crisis Interventions
6. Good Practice Guidance
6.1. Safety Considerations for Social Workers
6.2. Case Supervision
6.3. Record Keeping
6.3.1. Confidentiality
6.3.2. Handling Complex Cases
6.4. Applying to the courts for Protection Orders of Regulation 2003/12
6.5. Giving Evidence
6.6. Chairing meetings
7. Building a Multi-Agency Response
7.1. Principle of a Multi-Agency Response to Domestic Violence
7.2. The DV Forum
7.3. Multi-agency working in individual cases
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