Supporting institutions in Kosovo regulate constructions without permit poster

According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (MESPI), there are over 350,000 unpermitted constructions in Kosovo.
Since 2013, the OSCE Mission has supported MESPI in addressing the issue of legalizing these buildings, which is one of the main concerns of urban planning right now.
In workshops across Kosovo supported by the OSCE, municipal officials dealing with this issue identified a lack of public understanding of the legalization process as one of their main challenges.
To help resolve this problem, the Mission has developed an information campaign to increase awareness of the legalization process, highlighting in particular that the deadline set to apply to legalize unpermitted constructions is 4 September 2022.
We especially encourage people from non-majority communities, displaced persons, and women to use this opportunity to secure ownership of their property, and register their property title in the cadastral records.
Pikëpamjet, opinionet, përfundimet dhe informacionet e tjera të shprehura në këtë dokument as nuk janë dhënë dhe as nuk mbështeten detyrimisht nga Organizata për Siguri dhe Bashkëpunim në Evropë (OSBE), me përjashtim të rastit kur OSBE-ja është e përcaktuar qartë si Autorja e këtij dokumenti.