Local Public Safety Committees poster

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, in close co-operation with the Kosovo police, launched a public awareness campaign for Local Public Safety Committees (LPSCs), which aims at enhancing co-operation between the police and local citizens.
The LPSCs are consultative community safety forums established in smaller areas within municipalities. They involve the police, and representatives of all part of the local community including formal and informal community leaders, youth, NGOs and the community at large.
The Mission encourages a wide engagement of non-majority community representatives and women in LPSCs in order to enable them to raise their specific safety related issues. LPSCs can play a considerable role in preserving the safety and quality of life of all communities. To date, 27 LPSCs are established Kosovo-wide.
The LPSC public awareness campaign involved printing around 150,000 leaflets in five languages (Albanian, Serbian, Turkish, Roma and English), posters and pull-up screens. Campaign billboards will also be installed Kosovo-wide. The biggest portion of the printed material will be disseminated with the support of the Kosovo police. Some will also be distributed through LPSCs and municipal authorities.
The OSCE Mission in Kosovo supports the capacity of community safety forums and the Kosovo police to promote a safe and stable social environment.
Pikëpamjet, opinionet, përfundimet dhe informacionet e tjera të shprehura në këtë dokument as nuk janë dhënë dhe as nuk mbështeten detyrimisht nga Organizata për Siguri dhe Bashkëpunim në Evropë (OSBE), me përjashtim të rastit kur OSBE-ja është e përcaktuar qartë si Autorja e këtij dokumenti.