News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 51/2022 issued on 4 March 2022
Publishing date: 4 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary During the night of 3 to 4 March, the Kherson Monitoring Team heard shooting. On 4 March, internet and mobile coverage became intermittent at the SMM’s office in Kherson city. Following the instruction of 24 February to temporarily evacuate all SMM international mission members, the Kharkiv
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 50/2022 issued on 3 March 2022
Publishing date: 3 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary On the morning of 3 March, the SMM continued to hear explosions around Kherson city. Following the instruction of 24 February to temporarily evacuate all SMM international mission members, the Kharkiv Monitoring Team continued its evacuation westwards through Ukraine, while the Kherson
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 49/2022 issued on 3 March 2022
Publishing date: 3 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary One national Mission member was reported killed by shelling in Kharkiv. During the evening of 1 March and morning of 2 March, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions and heavy machine-gun fire in and around Kherson city. It also observed the movement of Russian Federation Armed Forces
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 48/2022 issued on 1 March 2022
Publishing date: 2 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary During the evening of 28 February and during the morning on 1 March, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions and heavy machine-gun fire in and around the cities of Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Kherson. On 1 March, the Monitoring Teams from Donetsk and Luhansk Patrol Hubs in non-government
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 47/2022 issued on 28 February 2022
Publishing date: 28 February 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary During the evening of 27-28 February and from early morning hours on 28 February, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions, including multiple launch rocket system and heavy artillery fire in and around the cities of Kharkiv and Kherson. The Mission completed the evacuation activities
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 46/2022 issued on 27 February 2022
Publishing date: 27 February 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Until the late hours of the night of 26-27 February and from the early morning hours on 27 February, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions, including multiple launch rocket system and heavy artillery fire in and around the cities of Kharkiv, Kherson, and Odessa. The Mission completed
OSCE SMM Spot Report 9/2022: Update on the security situation in Ukraine; Evacuation of SMM Monitoring Teams
Publishing date: 26 February 2022
Content type: Spot report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
From 24 February, the Mission continues to observe a sharp deterioration of the security situation throughout its area of operations, with continued fighting in northern, north-eastern, and southern areas of Ukraine and ongoing reported attacks on key infrastructure sites and military bases throughout the country...