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Election-related Legal Opinions and Comments
Legal books line the shelves of ODIHR's Elections Department. (OSCE/Agnieszka Rembowska) Photo details
Analysis and Recommendations Concerning the Election Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
The following is the analysis of the Election Code of the Kyrgyz Republic as adopted on 29 April 2000. The analysis summarises some of the major areas of concern and contains a number of recommendations for amendments and clarifications to improve the election legislation, in line with international standards and, in particular, the OSCE commitments contained in the 1990 Copenhagen Document on the Human Dimension. The analysis is also based on the ODIHR observation of the 20 February and 12 March 2000 Parliamentary elections, which highlighted some of the Election Code shortcomings and whose findings are contained in the ODIHR Final Report, issued on 10 April 2000.
OSCE/ODIHR Assessment of the Adopted Election Code of the Republic of Belarus
This comparison reviews and comments on (1) the 20 October 1999 version of the draft Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus (“the draft Code”), and (2) the final version of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus adopted on 24 January 2000
(“the adopted Code”). This assessment is a comparison of both texts and not a commentary article by article of the adopted electoral code of the Republic of Belarus.
Review of the Legal Framework Regulating Election Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The present report, which includes 47 recommendations on the Kazakhstani legal framework governing the election disputes resolution mechanisms, constitutes the first phase of the OSCE ODIHR International Election Standards Programme in Kazakhstan.
Assessment of the Draft Election Code and the Draft Law on the Election of Deputies of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus
This assessment reviews and comments on two draft laws: (1) the draft Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus (“the draft Code”), and (2) the draft Law on Elections of Deputies of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus (“the draft
Law on Elections of Deputies of the Supreme Council”).
Observations and Recommendations on the Draft Law on Elections to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan
Elections for the lower chamber of the parliament (Majlisi Oli) of Tajikistan are expected to take place in February 2000. The upper chamber is likely to be elected shortly thereafter. This document presents comments on a draft text of the Law which will regulate both elections. At the time of writing a final draft had not been agreed for approval by the present parliament. The recommendations are designed to assist in bringing the Law into conformity with OSCE standards, in particular the commitments for free elections under the Copenhagen Document. The comments are based on an unofficial English translation of the original Tajik text.