Press statements of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
OSCE concerned about the war against independent media in Yugoslavia
Publishing date: 15 October 1998
What we do: Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
VIENNA, 15 October 1998-- Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, is increasingly worried by the renewed declaration of war against the independent media proclaimed by Milosevic\'s government...
OSCE concerned with recent statement issued by the Serbian Minister of Information
Publishing date: 6 October 1998
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism
Location: Serbia
VIENNA, 6 October 1998- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Freimut Duve, is extremely concerned with the recent statement issued by the Serbian Minister of Information Aleksandar Vucic in which the Minister threatened the independent media
TV-Sender in Bratislava von Übergriffen bedroht
Publishing date: 18 September 1998
What we do: Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: Slovakia
VIENNA, 18 September 1998-- Zu den dramatischen Demonstrationen der letzten Tage gegen auf den TV-Sender Markiza in Bratislava erklärt Freimut Duve, der Beauftragte für die Freiheit der Medien:
New chairman of Independent Media Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publishing date: 16 September 1998
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
VIENNA/SARAJEVO, 16 September 1998- The following statement was made by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Mr. Freimut Duve:
Visit of OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media rejected by Yugoslavia
Publishing date: 10 September 1998
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
VIENNA, 10 September 1998- Freimut Duve, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, expressed his desire to visit Belgrade in the context of Yugoslav authorities\' recent restrictions on the ability of journalists to practice their profession freely. H
Belgrade authorities refuse visa for OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
Publishing date: 7 September 1998
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: Serbia