Human Rights and Law Enforcement: A Booklet of Human Rights for Police (sr)

Human rights and law enforcement: a booklet of human rights for police.
Table of contents
- Abbreviations
- Right to liberty and security
- Arrest
- Interrogation
- Right to defence counsel
- Right to fair trial
- Presumption of innocence
- Police as witnesses in the legal system
- Torture/Violence
- Juveniles
- Right to respect for private and family life
- Discrimination
- Right to an effective remedy
- Right not to be tried or punished twice
- Slavery
- Right to compensation
- Search warrant
- Freedom of expression
- Freedom of assembly and association
- Criminal offences against official duty
- List of human rights internet sites and web addresses
Stanovišta, mišljenja, zaključci i druge informacije sadržane u ovom dokumentu ne odražavaju nužno i stav Organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju (OEBS), osim ako OEBS nije izričito naveden kao autor ovog dokumenta.