OSCE Magazine, 1/2011 (FR)

This issue features the launch of the Lithuanian Chairmanship, a round-up of the 2010 OSCE Summit, a look at the OSCE as a security community, and more.
In this issue: Launch of the Lithuanian Chairmanship; the 2010 OSCE Summit; Interview with Director of the Conflict Prevention Centre Herbert Salber, the OSCE as a security community; Vilnius conference on promoting women's entrepreneurship, Interview with Special Representative of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on Gender Issues Hedy Fry; the Junior Professional Officer Programme.
Les idées, opinions, conclusions et informations contenues dans ce document ne sont pas celles de l’Organisation pour la Sécurité et la Coopération en Europe (OSCE), ni nécessairement approuvées par l’Organisation, sauf si l’OSCE est expressément indiquée comme étant l’auteur du document.